Coffee With God

Pastor Greg shares Biblical truths and attempts to provide spiritually uplifting thoughts for every believer. After all, our goal is to love God and love one another. We are all in this together so let’s build each other up!

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James 5:7–12 (ESV) 7 Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of […]
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Include God in your plans, or better yet, include yourself in God's plan.
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The famous Three Wise Monkeys have been an icon, of sorts, for a really long time.
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We should shrink, or humble ourselves before the one, true God, and allow His grace to draw us closer to Him.
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We could learn a thing or two from Popeye, but even more so from James.
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We don’t need to walk around armed with such destructive tools readily available.
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James makes it crystal clear that the position of teacher should not be taken lightly.
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For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.
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Judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy.
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Being no hearer who forgets, but a doer who acts.
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Lures usually have hidden hooks, so don't bite!

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